All the nutrients you need to fast-track healing and recovery
Are there any nutrients that will fast-track healing, boost our health and strengthen our resilience to disease?
The answer is yes.
In order to heal well and stay healthy and strong, the body needs increased amounts of energy, water, protein, vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E and K and the minerals zinc, magnesium, selenium, iodine and copper. Read on to find out why…
Amino acids (the building blocks of protein) play a vital role in maintaining a healthy immune system – the complex system of organs and cells operational throughout the body that finds and destroys disease, infection, viruses and any other dangerous elements. They are also essential in regenerating every tissue in the body and are, therefore, vital for repairing damage and wound healing.
Vitamin A is essential for immune system efficiency by promoting the production of white blood cells and helping regulate the inflammatory response. Vitamin A also carries out an antioxidant role, thus reducing the damage caused by free radicals.
Vitamin A stimulates growth of the base layer of the skin and so is crucial in wound-healing, whether of the external skin or of the body’s inner skin, made up of mucous linings.
By moisturising and maintaining the structural integrity of mucous linings, which support healthy secretion, vitamin A helps the body fight off infectious agents and environmental pollutants.
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin derived from carotenoids in vegetables, such as betacarotene.
Vitamin B complex consists of eight water-soluble vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B5, B6, biotin, folic acid and B12) that help promote cell proliferation essential to wound healing, maintain healthy skin and muscle tone, support and increase metabolic rate, and enhance immune and nervous system function.
Vitamin C, as an antioxidant, is important in protecting the body against the damage caused by free radicals. It is also vital in the production and maintenance of collagen. Collagen production is a key element in wound-healing.
Vitamin C has also been shown to stimulate the immune system, by boosting the activity of white blood cells.
Vitamin D is essential for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus – a key function in repairing fractures and breakages of bones as well as for normal blood clotting and heart function.
Vitamins A and D taken together reduce the incidence of colds, reduce muscle spasms, especially when related to anxiety states, and ease asthma and arthritis.
Vitamin D also supports healthy neuromuscular and immune function and reduces inflammation.
Vitamin E protects cell membranes against oxidation, supports immune function, inhibits coagulation of blood and aids healthy red blood cell formation.
In order to assist with healing and to minimise clotting, vitamin E is a useful nutrient before and after surgery. It significantly assists in the repair of skin lesions, ulcers, burns, abrasions and dry skin, and diminishes the scars caused by injury or surgery.
Vitamin K refers to a group of fat-soluble vitamins needed for coagulation and bone metabolism. As a result, it is important in wound healing and decreasing the risk of haemorrhage, impaired wound repair and infection.
Magnesium regulates the electrical potential across cell membranes, which allows nutrients to pass back and forth. The energy produced within our cells must also be bound to magnesium in order to be transported and used. Magnesium is, therefore, vital in optimising cellular energy production and ensuring our energy levels are high enough to sustain healing and recovery.
CoEnzyme Q10 is a powerful, fat-soluble antioxidant and anti-inflammatory produced within the body. It is an essential component of healthy energy generation within cells.
Iodine is essential for healthy thyroid function. The thyroid supports growth, repair and a healthy metabolism
Together these three nutrients can boost energy levels through ensuring more efficient energy production and transportation, so the body can heal well and maintain optimum functionality.
Zinc is an important nutrient in healing mechanisms, healthy growth and development, muscle repair, immune function and protection from free radical damage.
Zinc helps the body utilise and maintain levels of vitamin A. Through this action, zinc helps maintain healthy skin cells and generate new skin after injury or surgery. This function is strengthened by zinc’s role in collagen formation.
Zinc improves immune resilience by regulating the function of white blood cells. Zinc can help curtail the progression of viral flu and cold symptoms, as well as the herpes virus; it also lessens allergies and environmental sensitivities.
Selenium has a vital role in boosting antioxidant activity in the body. Selenium and vitamin E work together synergistically in that they carry out antioxidant and immune-stimulatory functions better together than individually. They both protect cell membranes and intracellular structural membranes from lipid oxidation. The presence of these two nutrients can also increase antibody formation 20-30 fold.
Copper is an essential trace element in all living cells and a cofactor for several enzyme systems, including those for cross-linking reactions that strengthen scars. High levels of copper and zinc are associated with increased wound elasticity and resistance.
Curcumin has very strong antioxidant and antibacterial effects and is a powerful anti-inflammatory shown to be as effective as many pharmaceutical drugs and without any of the harmful side effects. It also supports the liver and detoxification pathways.
All the nutrients above in bold-type are contained in MAGNESSENCE. Blended for optimum synergy, together they harness the superior healing processes of the body to ensure peak health and fast recovery from injuries and illness.
Learn more:
How to Optimise Your Immune Health
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